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Grey House




To alleviate the foster care crisis by supporting families – through teaching, resourcing, and advocating



Restoration of families so that every child can thrive.


There are three core values of our faith –


·Faith – the assurance that the things revealed and promised in the Word are true. Hebrews 11:1

·Hope – that God is faithful and we can count on him. To trust in, wait for, look for Him to bring forth something beneficial in the future. 

·Love – God is love. Our relationship to God is like the loving relationship between a child and parent. Like a loving parent, God knows and cares deeply for each of us. 1 John 4:7-21


There are seven core operational values which guide all aspects of LINK Village –


  • Prayer: a time to communicate with God, to praise Him for who He is and what He does, to petition for our needs and to petition on behalf of others, knowing He will hear and answer our prayers according to His will.

  • Justice: We reach out to the vulnerable and care for them. God tells us to seek justice, relieve the oppressed, defend the orphan and plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:17

  • Integrity: We are honest, trustworthy, and transparent.

  • Leadership:  We raise leaders and develop their full potential in their God given gifts.

  • Team Work: We encourage and foster collaboration and partnerships. To work in unity with like-minded people, churches, organisations and businesses to transform community. Psalm 133:1

  • Innovation: We are committed to the pursuit of social innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability.

  • Restoration: to receive back more than has been lost to the point where the final state is greater than the original condition.

Kamloops, Canada





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